Neo4j is an open-source NoSQL native graph database which provides an ACID compliant transactional backend for your applications.
- User with sudo permission
- CentOS 7 server instance with 2 GB RAM (recommended)
- Java 8 Runtime
Follow the below steps to install neo4j on your CentOS machine.
Step 1: Installation through wget:
a. First download the package of the package from neo4j website to the specified directory where ever you want to install
b. Extract the downloaded file using tar command
--> tar -xzvf artifact.php\?name\=neo4j-community-3.2.3-unix.tar.gz
c. Change the configuration in neo4j.conf which is present in conf folder
--> nano ./conf/neo4j.conf
i. If your neo4j is of older version uncomment the following statement
--> dbms.allow_format_migration=true
ii. If you want to see the running neo4j in the browser, uncomment the following statement and give the current ip-address or public DNS name.
--> dbms.connectors.default_advertised_address=ip-address or public DNS name
iii. If you want to point the db to a particular folder, first paste that folder in databases folder present in inside the data folder where defaultly graph.db folder is present
--> cd ./data/databases
And uncomment this statement in neo4j.conf
--> dbms.active_database=graph.db
d. Once all the configurations are done use the following command to start or stop or restart or check the status or check the version or check the console
--> ./bin/neo4j { console | start | stop | restart | status | version }
Ex: For starting the neo4j run as -----> ./bin/neo4j start
e. To check the logs of the neo4j use this command
--> nano ./logs/neo4j.log
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